Monday, January 15, 2007

the little angels

had a terribly long day today... but it was an inspiring day, nevertheless... in the first class i was teaching today.. (it's my 3rd day at work), and the kids were in Year 2, meaning they are only 6-7 years old.. some were quite cheeky, and some were like angels... after that very class, when the students said thank you to the pianist, and thank you to the ballet teacher, one little girl ran up to me and gave me a hug and said THANK YOU! awwww... so sweet... and when i went to their canteen, i saw a group of Year 1 (5-6 years old), and they were halfway through their lunch break. and one girl stroke my hand and said, "Hello" and another perched over to give me a hug, just to say "Hello"... Awwww... these sweeties are really lovely and sincere... wait till one gets them in class when i am screaming my lungs out at them... (well, it doesn't always happen!) heehee...


Mummy's Star! said...

Hey you, better start taking pictures of these sweet young things. It is a virtue to SHARE!!! =p

suicidalpixie said...

i would love to take pictures if it was possible... apparently its against the law if i take pictures of little kids without a signed consent from their parents, and it has to be for official and not for personal use...