Saturday, December 29, 2007

about time.... for an update

i am still alive... kickin... and alive.... heehee....
there are so many things to update.. but life back in singapore has been anything more than HECTIC!!!!! all i wish for... is MORE TIME in a day!!! (oh well.. dun we all wish for that? well.. unless u are a convict, or a prisoner serving term.. i guess)
ok... let's start with something more recent... and significant and then we'll 'hopefully' move on to something that are less recent.. but still significant...
my performance.... well.. i personally consider that my swansong, as a matter of fact... but i guess.. some of my peers thinks its too early for me... well... i dunno, to be honest... we'll see...
i did a performance for one of my ballet teacher, Ms McCully. The performance was called 'Circle of Life', and it was for charity (National Cancer Research Funds). it was all for good cause.
i was given the Balanchine's Sylvia Pas De Deux to perform with Chris (my ballet friend). Chris did it 2 years back with another girl, but with a different choreography... and i am still at 'virgin' stage... so... it was about 2.5 months of rehearsals... the choreography wasnt too difficult, some partnering parts were challenging, especially for 2 untrained amatuers... but i absolutely enjoyed the rehearsals process... lots of discovering and experimenting.... anyway.. let's fast forward to the real deal!
well.. let's start with the full dress rehearsal...These are the rehearsals pictures...
Vanessa and I...
Chris trying to stretch me out!
Samantha and I in our dressing room having a kodak moment...

throughout all my rehearsals, i was wearing the peachie costume for rehearsals... been practicing in it for 2 weeks or so... but there were some areas in the pas de deux tat was quite tricky to tackle, partly due to our lack of experience in pas de deux...
anyway... jus 1 week before opening night (19th dec) my teacher said to me that 2 examiners and the director of washington ballet will be there on opening night, and so will be the principal of the school i will be working for.. i was like "GREAT!!!!! LET"S BUILD ON THE PRESSURE YA!"
then.... just barely 4 hours before the show begin on the OPENING night, my teacher said to me, hey celine, try on the black costume (my previous costume which i performed Odile). i was like.. erm.. tat was 6 years ago, and i was tiny then... oh well... i pop it on.. and it was quite fine...
so my partner and i just did a run through of the piece before the show, we just practiced the pirouettes ensuring tat the handling is ok... we were saving of full runthrough, because i had 2 bad bruises on my toes from the pointe work...
and so... OPENING NIGHT!!!!!! i was extremely nervous.. i was shaking before getting on stage... cos i knew who was in the audience and the pressure was really killing me.... i told my partner.... u have to calm me down, if i get too anxious during the pas de deux... i was so nervous, u have no idea... it was almost as bad as knowing royal ballet dancers in the audience, etc...
anyway... off we went on stage for our gig....
there were a few lifts in the pas de deux... the first lift was fine.. and then when it got to the 3rd one... *SPLIT* my costumes started to give way.... one of the attachment fell out... i was smiling to the audience and under my breath i went "SHIT!" then the costume started to split more (it was fabric-tearing sound) i was like... 'Stay calm celine... just be cool'. my partner was like: "OOPS!" and we managed to hold it through till the very very end....
and to me... at that point... apart from the costume malfunction, it was the best performance i had!!!!!!!! i was quite pleased with myself... i feel.. on my part, i tackled the tricky parts alright, and i think i did fine, a pat on the back... however... apart from the costume, and a part where my partner suddenly had a mental blank, but got back into the game quick enough (thankfully!!!!)
my girlie mates who came to support me!!! Thank you sistas!!!!!
my old friends here to cheer me on... MERCI BEAUCOUP!
then the following night, which was the last night... well... let's say i didnt do it as good as the first night. i was annoyed with myself... but some of the people who were watching feedbacked to me that 2nd night was better, but i felt 'NO WAY!'
oh well... i believed if i hadn't had the bruises on my toes, i would have executed better work...
right.. so there u go... this is one of the most detailed report...
chris and i posing around... just before SHOWTIME!!!!


not to forget... the flowers i received.. heehee...rather rare for me ya, to have flowers.... love the bouquets... they are absolutely lovely... and they smelled divine!!!!
here i am... sorting out my flowers...hahahaha...


Miss E said...

No matter how not interested we are with the rest of the performance, we, the sistas will all sit up straight whenever you come on stage! You are the Best! We love ya!!!

Yuki Emili said...

Hi Ms Tan!! FYI, Hannah's blog is

- YUKI :] :] (I can't wait for the dance lessons to start!)