Friday, October 24, 2008


yes yes... OOOOH.... everyone is talking about it... yes yes....
According to UK's Telegraph... they are planning to settle the divorce before Christmas!!!!
Well.... Personally.... when i heard about this 'shocking' news.... i was:
"IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!!!!" I actually had a bet with myself... that they probably split after 6 to 7 years... well you know.. the typical 7 Year Itch Curse... oh well... its quite close to my guess... 7.5 years... *yawn*
its interesting... 2007 and 2008 seems to be the year for divorces and breakups... more separations than getting together... well for those that are getting married.. or going to get married or even foolish enough to plan to get married... please... THINK IT OVER.. NOT ONCE, NOT TWICE BUT THINK IT OVER AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN!!!!!!

and for those (in my honest opinion), who get married because they want to get a STUPID HDB Flat through the government... are... simply S T O O P I D and digging their own graves of emotional and mental stress.
speaking of this reminds me of weddings... and the topic of weddings just makes me wanna ARGH!!! i simply dun agree the 'typical' Singapore style wedding!!! i feel its the wrong mentality, and its just purely for the sake of pride!!!!! and not for the purpose of love!!!! this issue makes my blood boil!!!!!! i hate marriages for the sake of 'believed love'. stoopid stoopid... insanely S T O O P I D!!!!

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