Monday, September 17, 2007

books.. books... books...

i have a HUGE weakness when it comes to bookstore... i could stay for hours and hours and hours... deciding which book is worth reading, and which should not be bothered... and sometimes i will just take a mental note which books are on my WISH LIST.. and which can i physically get... and they usually come up to a long long list...
the other day just waiting for my train, i headed into a mini bookstore, and bought 2 books...and once, i just pop my head into a 2nd Hand bookstore, and bag myself 3 hardcover dance books, and in another 2nd hand bookstore i laid my hands on this discontinued publication of one of my favourite choreographer, Kenneth MacMillan. I was absoutely thrilled!!!! then... just last friday, i went into WHSmith, and there was a promotion - 3 for 2. And how could i resist? i had a few books on my list, and I had to make such a tough decision...
finally i am proud to claim ownership of the last Harry Potter book, yes yes, i know i am LATE.. but i do not care.
there have been so many reviews of the film, and i couldn't find time to catch the film, i shall make do with the book. furthermore, i am intrigued with Ian McEwan.
Linking to the previous title, I guess i have to say, sometimes i picked books according to the state of my mood... and during these period, i was in a 'hopeless romantic'; need a 'sobbing' read... and picked this gem up...


pokerface said...

wow... u can really read...

pokerface said...
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Anonymous said...

Oei....go back spore then dun need to update liao ah??
Hahahahahahaha.....hows like going? Or still dealing with ur withdrawal symptoms? Heee...take care & miss u babe!
