Tuesday, September 11, 2007

finito-Black Label

sob sob.... its time to say tata... ciao.. adios... au revoir... to my multinationl black label family!!!! hmmmf hmmf.... There were moments of angst and frustrations, but the countless moments of laughters will be the most vivid... here are some of the most hilarious and fun people around, that kept me laughing and wrinkle-free for the last 4 years!!! (might add on when i dig out more pictures)
here are the pictures taken on my last day.... it was also Valentina's birthday, hence the chocolate cake from Valerie's Patisserie *yums*
before the start of the day:
Greetje and I. Greetje is the coolest grandma on earth! You can talk to her bout anything, fashion, drugs, sex, food, books, tv programs, any single thing!!!
Michele, a very very lovely italian, only know him for a few months, but he has been the loveliest straight guy in the store...
prettie Anna & i....We were rarely put together on the same shop floor. If we do end up working together... we cannot stop laughing... and fooling around! I will miss her!
At the end of the day, as I was last getting out of the shop, the rest of the gang were standing outside Giorgio Armani, cheering on, clapping and whistling with digital cameras and camera phones in their hands on standby. I looked at Tadius, the secrurity guard, and we both just thought, nothing alarming, its just a typical behavior of people from Giorgio. The gang was cheering so loudly, that I can hardly hear myself when Tadius was checking my bags, etc....It reached a point of utter embarassment when cars were stopping to see the commotion the gang was making, and people from the buses were all checking out wat was the big deal! As u can see from the window reflection...
When I was finally out of the shop, they cheered even louder, thinking that i was some sort of big shot celebrity!!!! hahahaha... a few people walked past and stopped and asked who was I, and Anna said at the top of her voice, "She is the most famous ballerina from Singapore!" OH MY GOSH!!! i didn't know where to hide!!! One japanese tourist, walked past and stopped to take a picture of me, smiled gleefully and continued on.... I was speechless... hahahhaha
That was one of the memorable exit i ever had from London... hahahaha
Here i am with Tadius, the Biggest person in the shop, and me, the tiniest person in the shop!
Onwards, we headed to Wagamama for my farewell do... here's ME
Almost everyone...
Guiseppe. The married man! He is one guy that I have met who is so happy after he tied the knot, he felt like a NEW man! Good for him, am really really happy for him.
Paola... This is my favourite picture. heehee.. she has big eyes and i have typical small eyes.. and here, we reversed roles.. hahahahaha...
Ana Luiza and Karin.... standing in the front wouldnt have been fun without these cashiers...heehee
Anna and i
Magda, Greetje & i

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