Saturday, January 24, 2009


And i thought the movie 'Atonement' was heartbreaking... ah.... till i watched THE READER.... yes... The very film that won Kate Winslet the Golden Globe Award... for Supporting Actress... I wouldn't say she deserve the award for Supporting Actress... i feel... She RIGHTFULLY deserve the Best Actress award for this film.. I mean.. She was in the film from the beginning to end.. she acted the aged Hannah Schmitz, as well as the middle age Hannah Schmitz. The male character opposite her was shared by the young David Kross and the reputable Ralph Fiennes...

The plot is straightforward, and it could happen to anyone... of that period... but the relationship of the young Michael Berg (played by David Kross) and Hannah Schmitz (Kate Winslet), was intense and mixed at times... She was the lover, the vulnerable child and also at times the maternal partner in the relationship. She uncovered many facets of her character in the 123 mins film. As strong as she is on the front, the film also captures her vulnerability and her childlikeness. A side that Micheal Berg fell helplessly in love with. I believe the initial attraction between the two characters was lust... but her love for him grew when she was in prison and she received the story-telling cassettes from Micheal Berg (she was convicted for a war-time crime). The mature Michael Berg (Ralph Fiennes) visited her just one week before she was going to be released from prison. He has not seen her for almost 30 years; when she saw him, she initiated and reached out her hand for his. he hesitated a little and he placed his hand over hers. Within moments, he retreated, and that was absolutely heart wrenching.

I love the sets too.. i mean what not to love? its EUROPE!!! Germany in the 1950s to 60s. The architecture, the details on the bannisters, the ceilings, the furnitures, the furnace by the bathtub (which reminded me of the bathroom scene in The Dreamers), the fabrics used as curtains, oh oh.. i simply love the young Michael Berg's attire (every part of it... literally EVERY PART of it), and his bed linens (its almost like a Laura Ashley pinup)... and so many things to love about it... oh... another thing... i fell instantly in love with the cinematography... the director Stephen Daldry, who also directed one of my favourite film, The Hours, and Billy Elliot, clearly showed his trademark in details and the use of very subtle idiosyncrasies to amplify the mood and dialogue...

Some may say the duration of the movie is too long, but i feel.. there were details that could not be left out... the intensity of the affair between Michael Berg and Hannah Schmitz had so much details, as it helped to answers her latter decisions and her way of dealing with issues that she was facing. i just wish i can understand german and i would read the original german text!
I would definitely suggest anyone who is in the legal age to watch this beautiful film... I would definitely love to watch it again... the ever-so-yummy Ralph Fiennes and of cos the delectable Kate Winslet is just enough to have me indulge in the film once again... am looking forward to Kate and old partner in crime, Leonardo Dicaprio's Revolutionary Road... by the way, she is a very down to earth, and humble beauty in person... She was my client when i was working in a boutique in London... heehee... she is absolutely an angel in every way! hahahaha...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree with you totally, the sets were very good. I read bits of the book and they are also ... very good. Very good is as critical as my mind is going to be.