Tuesday, August 29, 2006

exciting news!!!

1st news: remember previous few posts ago, i ecstatically mentioned that one of my student, kimberly andrews, passed her intermediate ballet exams with distinction... well, 2 of my other students who also did the same exams passed with splendid flying colours, one scored a merit, and the other scored distinction. I was terribly proud of them, and for their hard work... kimberly and rebecca, who both scored DISTINCTION, scored 77% and 80%.
2nd news:my ex-classmate, clare hamilton was at the royal opera house today, at 1pm (uk time). and she was looking at the ballet magazines, and guess who came up beside her... well, needless to say, EDWARD WATSON. here's her text message to my mobile over million of miles away...

*hi edward watson is in opera house shop with me !!!!* followed by *he was wearing jeans and trainers and he looked as though he had done class i was looking at pointe magazine and he came and stood right next to me...*
i think i probably faint at his feet if i were to be in clare's position... hahaha... it will be so surreal for me... then again... i probably can't stop myself from stealing glances at him... and just simply admire this dracula-looking human standing next to me.. hahahahaha

1 comment:

faffron said...

Celine!! Auntie Celine!! I am a BAD mother. I finally got round to ringing and faxing the application form to RAD today for dear Saffy (she put on an impromptu ballet performance last weekend at a friend's place, it was so moving and beautiful) but they are COMPLETELY full. Until January. Can't tell you how horrible I feel right now. Do you know of any other ballet schools in Chelsea which I can try? Saffy has actually told me in no uncertain terms that she wants to learn ballet. Help? (Sorry, i lost your Singapore mobile number).
Please come back soon; we need you to teach us pilates. x N